About Us

We are a hiking family, we love to spend time outdoors and on the trails in WA, especially the Bibbulmun Track. We have been hiking for many years and just love the feeling of being outdoors. We love the challenge of those multi-week hikes, everything from the home made dehydrated food, to the planning, and preparing supply drops etc is all part of the amazing journey. As a scout leader I love to share this love of hiking with the youth in our group. The last few hikes I have planned with them have been amazing, however every time we think about planning a hike, at the forefront of our mind is how much it’s going to cost the parents. Many times I had lent out my own gear just to make sure that everyone could go, I hate to see the kids miss out on a hiking trip because of affordability.

Unfortunately the equipment you use on a hike is very important. It can mean the difference between an amazing experience and a horrendous one. The size and weight of equipment is really important, especially with kids, but the lighter the equipment the greater the expense. To buy reasonable gear brand new it can cost a minimum $500 and even if you borrow equipment from others sometime you can still be out of pocket hundreds of dollars.

Community groups can’t afford to outlay the funds required for such equipment, and they usually don’t have anywhere to store it, and people to check and maintain it for the few times a year they might use it.

In my experience hiking is just such a good escape from the day to day, your focus can be on the simple things like taking care of your feet, navigating using a map, having a cup of tea, looking for orchids, experiencing the wild flowers in spring, sitting around a campfire chatting with like minded people and keeping warm etc. It’s great for your mental health, with all the challenges that we face in life today I think it is important to give everyone the opportunity to have this experience, no matter their financial situation.

In light of the above, we decided to create a family business which will provide light weight hiking equipment for hire. We welcome all users from tourists to families and small groups. We would especially like to cater for Public Schools, not-for-profit organisations and community groups and so we provide heavy discounts to those users.

We hope that our service will give you the opportunity to experience the amazing gifts that hiking in our great state can bring.

Our Hike Hire family
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